Marbles & Thank Yous

Good Morning,

 My son Michael published a note on his blog yesterday that is worth the read.  In his blog, Michael talks about being happy and grateful for 2009 even though the year was filled with many challenges, new personal discoveries and relationships gained and lost, he is able to look at the silver lining.  Therein lies the difference in how he will go into 2010.  Thank you Michael for reminding me that our attitude makes the difference.

 We have all heard it before…the three most important things when dealing with the realities of life are “Attitude”, Attitude” and “Attitude”.  With the right attitude, the cup will be “half-full” rather than “half-empty”.  With the right attitude, “challenges” become “opportunities”.  With the right attitude, there are no limits that can be imposed by myopic dissenters.  With the right attitude, we all can make 2010 unique and one to look back on with gratitude. 

My daughter Marci gave me a small bag of “hand picked” marbles at Christmas.  She knows I like marbles and I have written aboutthem before in my letters.  Especially the ones that are trapped inside spray paint cans that I am somehow compelled to free up from their odious and dark existence so they can feel once again the light of day.  Ok, ok, so I’m guilty of anthropomorphism when it comes to marbles.  I tend to think this is pretty much a normal thing, well maybe not with marbles, but I do know people who name their cars and talk to them.  Anyway, I was trying to think, “why a bag of marbles” and then I thought, could it possibly be…she thinks I’m loosing mine and may need some replacements?  Or maybe she felt my current marbles were to mediocre and needed some jazzing up and that is why she gave me swirlies and red ones.  It could just be that it was a gesture of affection and one personalized by her hand.  Thank you Marci for your continued love, caring and thoughtfulness.

My son Jon Jr. and Grand Daughter Ellie helped me take down the Christmas lights today along with bringing in the 2010 New Year last night.  One of the first times in a “blue moon” that I have actually been awake for the annual event.  Come to think of it, it actually was a “blue moon” last night.  In Ellie’s youth I see the future and it looks promising.  Jon’s caring as a father and affection for Ellie show me that he has a “good heart”.  Thank you Jon for being a good father and a great business partner.

My wife Jeanie, with dedicated love takes care of me through a constant vigilance to make sure I am well fed, clean clothed, properly medicated and most of all being supported by my best friend.  Thank you Jeanie for all you do.

Last, but not least, the “other woman” in my life, Freckles who is always excited to see me come home at night and loves to have me rub her belly.  It doesn’t get much better than that with a pet.  I know you can’t read, but thank you Freckles for your unwavering affection.  I know… just a little more anthropomorphism there.

Of course there are more, lots more actually and this could turn into multiple pages of recognition for those in my life who share their friendship, support and love.  For all of you, I’m grateful.

Love, Dad


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2 Responses to Marbles & Thank Yous

  1. Now those are some fancy marbles! I guess if you are going to spend one a weekend… they may as well be good ones! 😉

    Re: Being Grateful – I had actually considered writing a post that was titled “10 Things That Pissed Me Off About 2009” – but, then I thought about it. All experiences, good and bad, ultimately paint a picture. While that picture may not always look how I intended for it to, it’s still my picture… and there are some great things that have come out of the challenging circumstances. That said, it’s not always easy to accept that when the challenges are presenting themselves. Being grateful for the good is the only way I know how to cope in these situations 😉

    Thanks for sharing Dad!


  2. Jon Long Sr says:

    You are right about “painting the picture”. It is easy sometimes to step into the cowpie of self pity and then you have to waste valuable time cleaning your shoes before getting back on the right path. I haven’t taken the time to calculate the number of marbles I may have left, but I figure it must be close to 572. It does pose the question though, if I should save the really nice ones for special weekends/occasions.
    Donna Evans sent me an email regarding this weeks letter. I felt it was worth posting as a comment since it mentioned you:
    “Another great read! Thank you!! We all need to sit back, and realize how grateful we really are!!! I also enjoyed Michael’s blog very much, he took after you!! Good Job!! Happy New Year!!

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