Recipe ~ Chili Colorado

Senior’s Chili Colorado Recipe (Con-Carne)

I have enjoyed Chili Colorado for many years since my good friend Don Sutter introduced me to it at The El Sombrero in Portland, Oregon in the eighties.  This is a recipe which if you enjoy cooking and preparation should satisfy.  Much like riding a motorcycle, it is the journey much more than the destination.  I welcome any comments and suggestions that you feel will enhance this recipe for others.

Serves 4-6


  • 14             Medium to Large Dried Guajillo Chili Peppers
  • 9            Large Dried New Mexico Chili Peppers
  • 2.5lbs        Chuck Roast
  • 1              Walla-Walla Sweet Onion (preferred)
  • 10             Cloves Garlic
  • 1              Cup Beef Broth
  • 1 tbsp      Ground Cumin Seed
  • 1 tsp        Ground Black Pepper
  • 1 tsp        Ground Sea Salt
  • 3 tbsp      Flour (Varies)

Essential Tools:  Large Fry Pan, Blender, Wire Strainer, Cooking Pot or Crock Pot.


Remove stems and slice peppers lengthwise then fold open.  Remove seeds and veins.  Once all peppers have been cleaned, cut into 1-inch pieces, (I use a Kitchen Shear) place in small bowl and cover with 3 cups boiling water to hydrate.  Make sure all peppers are covered in water, cover and let set for 1-hour.  Turn peppers now and then to make sure all are exposed to water.  Once peppers are hydrated strain red water into blender.  Sear peppers in very hot fry pan with minimum oil then put in blender.  Do not clean fry pan.

Peel 10-Garlic Cloves and put in blender along with peppers.  Add Ground Cumin Seed, Black Pepper and Salt to blender. Puree/Liquefy.  Strain the contents of blender and add to crock-pot.  This is to remove any pepper skin and seeds that did not hydrate.

Peel Onion and cut into half-inch chunks and put in blender along with 1/2 cup of beef broth.  Puree/Liquefy.  Strain the contents of blender and add to crock-pot.

Cut Chuck Roast into 1-inch squares.  Sear meat with minimum oil in fry pan ½-lb at a time to brown all sides.  Add meat to crock-pot along with drippings from fry pan.  Gently fold all contents until mixed.

Cook at “low” setting covered for a minimum of 6-hours.  Gently stir now and then so not to break up the meat.

Uncover last hour.  Make a creamy paste with flour and cold water and add enough paste necessary to thicken chili to a creamy texture.

Serve hot with heated flour tortillas, black beans, grated cheese, chopped onion and sour cream on the side.

Want the recipe hotter?  Use more New Mexico and less Guajillo Chili Peppers.  You can also add ground Cayenne Pepper at the end if the batch is not hot enough.

Bon Appétit



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