Ball Clock II ~ Hour Reset

Photo 078Up to this point I only had the balls that traveled around the counter just route to the racks without really doing anything.  Once all of the flips have created a track around and back to the front it would be one hour.  I needed to reset the 15, 30 & 45 minute flips to start the count again.

Only one time during the hour would the ball roll across the 45 minute flip on its way to the minute rack.  I decided to use the power from that ball dropping to the exit track to reset the 15, 30 & 45 minute flips.  For this I needed a way to capture the ball in a cup and have it operate a lever.  I also had to keep the ball captured until the lever had made the full travel.

To conserve the energy, I put bearings in the pivot axel of the lever.  A counter weight was added to return the lever after the ball had exited the cup.

Photo 077I linked the lever to the reset shaft to reset the three flips every time the ball would end up in the cup.

Originally I thought I could reset all of the flips with ball weight, but soon discovered that that would not work.  There just wasn’t enough power to move the three reset shafts full cycle.  Something else would have to be done to power the reset of the other 14 flips.

Also shown in the photos is the reset arm for the 1 o’clock ball release.  The idea was to have the next minute ball move the arm and release the latch holding the captive 1 o’clock ball on the hours rack.

Now to find some power for the reset.


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