About The Weekend Letter

Typewriter LettersThe tradition of writing a letter to my children started in the fall of 2001 when they were grown enough to be scattered around the country.  Having dabbled in family genealogy for some years prior, it occurred to me that generations to come are usually left with knowing very little about their ancestors.  So, to leave something behind other than just a dash between my birth date and death date was one motivator, the other was to share some relevant thoughts for the times.

To date, there are now over 250,00 words on 460 pages of past letters, notes to myself, feedback when noteworthy and a few I never sent for various reasons.  Topics have ranged from history, to life, to marriage, love and love lost, friends and relationships, birth, death and grieving, some pets and pet peeves, a few epiphanies along the way and just about any other topics that I have felt compelled to put in print and share with my children.

I suspect that from time to time, I may dig a favorite letter out of the archives to share on the blog.  If I do, it will be noted as such and placed in the Pre-Blog Favorites.  While I have already shared them with my children, this blog opens up a whole new audience.  So for those of you that may wish to follow this, it is my hope that from time to time you will find a morsal or two worth the time.

I also need to point out that the opinions I present on this Blog are my own and unless otherwise stated they remain so.  I may not always present an opinion favorable to all, but that would be a bit boring anyway.  As I get older and experience more situations in my life, my opinions will undoubtedly change.  I especially am continually searching for the “meaning of life” and while I am very much aware that many of you have found the answer or are comfortable with your present state, I remain open.  That is ok and I believe everyone should be flexible enough to change when need be.

I believe in transparency as a form of building your trust in my content.  I have in the past and wish to continually be transparent, as long as someone doesn’t slap a lawsuit on me.  If that happens I will post that fact, so that you, my readers, will know the reason for my restraint.

I have chosen to put a Blue Host link on my site.  Blue Host has flawlessly supported my blog site as well as our business site and therefore I feel comfortable referring you to them.  Like any other affiliate program, if you choose to subscribe to services from Blue Host and you do so by using this link, there is compensation for the referral.

Currently, I do not have any other affiliate products or sites from which I receive reimbursement when you click on a link.  I have no plans to do so at this time.  Should I do so in the future, you will know about it.

If I have offended you in any way with my writing on this Blog, please feel free to let me know.  I have provided a comment widget that will direct them to me.  All comments are moderated before they appear on the site and I will reserve the right to post your comments… or not.  If I alone deem them to be inflammatory, vulgar, demeaning to myself or someone else, mean spirited, rude or just plain stupid, I doubt that you will see them posted.  However, I will however acknowledge the fact that I have received them.  After all, this is my blog when all is said and done.

I will make a honest effort to recognize sources for statements or facts that I quote.  The same goes for picture or graphics posted here.  Keep in mind that it can be very difficult at times to find the original source of some picture or graphic as they  get proliferated on the web.  That being said, if I have inadvertently infringed on your copyright and you do not wish me have that picture or graphic shown, I will remove it.

Photo Credit, Laineys Repertoire

6 Responses to About The Weekend Letter

  1. Jon,
    I am so inspired by your commitment to writing your weekly letters and how lucky are WE to be able to also partake in this wonderful journey. Thanks for introducing me to your blog!

  2. Jon Long Sr says:

    Kim, Thanks for your great comment about the letters. With now over 300 pages and 8 years of letters, the kids keep telling me I need to put all of them in a book sometime. I may leave that for them to do. Who knows? TTFN!

  3. Matt Stone says:

    And to think I knew you when you were only a nerdy inventor/ service manager( some of the best days of my life though.And we will leave it at that for the others : ) Wishing you all a Happy new year and good health.

  4. Jon Long Sr says:

    Matt, yes I agree there were many good times. That is the stuff that we keep for rainy days to brighten them. Thanks for the wish as well and we hope your’s is great.

  5. Jon Long Sr says:

    Hi, Mohammad, did you have a comment for the blog? I would be interested in your opinions.

  6. Beth says:

    I stumbled upon your blog and wanted to drop a line. I myself, have always kept a journal so my family would know my history. I crave information about my ancestors and have nothing to read or go by other than a few spoken memories. I dabble on ancestory.com to learn more but it’s not the same. What you’re doing is such a sweet sentiment to your family 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and yours! PS your picture really looks like my handsome father!

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